Festevez / / Brisbane International Film Festival, Caloundra Film Festival, Cottesloe Film Festival, Geelong Pride Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Queer Screen - Mardi Gras Film Festival, Reviews, Screenwave International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, Travelling Film Festival, Westpac Openair Cinema
Pain and Glory
We don’t deserve Pedro Almodovar; thank God he disagrees

Festevez / / Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Darwin International Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Real Film Festival, Reviews, Screenwave International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, Travelling Film Festival
Growing older is hard, growing up is harder

Festevez / / Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Darwin International Film Festival, Interviews, Melbourne International Film Festival, Real Film Festival, Screenwave International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, Travelling Film Festival
Sophie Hyde on Animals’ #SydFilmFest Premiere
"I love Dublin so much, we got to really fall in love with Dublin"

Festevez / / Brisbane International Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival
Ghost Town Anthology
It’s rare that a film with such efficient storytelling could flounder for nearly two hours

Leftover Women
That which we do garner from these intimate portraits in their depiction of that so affecting our subjects' lives is moving and, due in no small part to each of the leads’ willingness to share and be so open, roundly impacting

Festevez / / Melbourne International Film Festival, Revelation Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival
A Dog Called Money
PJ Harvey wasn’t up for recording a regular album, so she took it on the road

Divine Love
A near-futurist neon-dystopian theological Brazilian sex-sci-fi isn’t what you’d normally come across at the cinema

The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
It took decades to get this film to theatres; the finished product, as much as Terry Gilliam’s perseverance, is as strong a reminder as any of why we watch movies, and always will

Festevez / / Adelaide Film Festival, Byron Bay Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews
Sometimes abstract just doesn’t work

This author has only ever seen one film twice during a single Festival run. That was Bodied

Festevez / / Adelaide Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival
Leave No Trace
It’s rare you see something so powerful emerge from that so inscrutable

Festevez / / Brisbane International Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival, Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air Film Festival
The Guilty
Packing more furrowed-brow acting into a film than you are ever likely to see, The Guilty is a reliably mood-driven Danish thriller

Festevez / / Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Screenwave International Film Festival, Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air Film Festival
Three Identical Strangers
As curious as it is frequently infuriating, Three Identical Strangers takes its fascinating subject(s) to altogether captivating places.

Festevez / / Melbourne International Film Festival, Monster Fest, Reviews, Sydney Underground Film Festival
Nicolas Cage: The Movie is here. That’s right, internet; you spoke, and the film Gods heard you