Festevez – Australian Film Festivals and where to find them – a collaborative hub for Fests, Fans and writers everywhere to connect and share new stories
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Festevez recognises that Festivals and their organisers are evolving, that Festevents can be year-round, dynamic or staged across multiple localities at any time, and seeks to provide the most up-to-date information while linking users to the latest Festival content, news and reviews.
To get in touch, or if you have any feedback, email Glen Falkenstein at glen@festevez.com – we’d love to hear from you
Glen is a film and arts journalist who produces reviews and commentary on films, Festivals & events on FalkenScreen, is the founder of Sydney art guide and commentary platform Art Out and loves movies. A lot
* Festevez is undergoing some changes and account logins are not available at the sec – Festivals & users; if you want to make any changes to your account email festevez@festevez.com
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