Festevez / / Caloundra Film Festival, Reviews, Screenwave International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, Travelling Film Festival
Never Look Away
Earning the time to tell this story, The Lives of Others Director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck has triumphed again

Festevez / / Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Darwin International Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Real Film Festival, Reviews, Screenwave International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, Travelling Film Festival
Growing older is hard, growing up is harder

Festevez / / Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Darwin International Film Festival, Interviews, Melbourne International Film Festival, Real Film Festival, Screenwave International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, Travelling Film Festival
Sophie Hyde on Animals’ #SydFilmFest Premiere
"I love Dublin so much, we got to really fall in love with Dublin"

Festevez / / Brisbane International Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival
Ghost Town Anthology
It’s rare that a film with such efficient storytelling could flounder for nearly two hours

Endzeit – Ever After
Are zombie movies experiencing a fatigue or a renaissance?

Carolina Hellsgard on German Eco-Zombie Thriller ‘Endzeit – Ever After’
“Endzeit is a mashup of a zombie horror movie, a road movie and a buddy movie and also a German fairy-tale"

The Wedding Guest
A British gun for hire, a wedding, a less than willing bride and a mysterious stranger. What could possibly go wrong?

Leftover Women
That which we do garner from these intimate portraits in their depiction of that so affecting our subjects' lives is moving and, due in no small part to each of the leads’ willingness to share and be so open, roundly impacting

Festevez / / Melbourne International Film Festival, Revelation Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival
A Dog Called Money
PJ Harvey wasn’t up for recording a regular album, so she took it on the road

Divine Love
A near-futurist neon-dystopian theological Brazilian sex-sci-fi isn’t what you’d normally come across at the cinema

The Miracle of the Little Prince
Above and beyond all else beautifully shot, the sequences in each of the four locations are rendered stunningly

Here Comes Hell
The title tells you everything you need to know

The Best of Dorien B.
It’s rare you see a newcomer with such star power but then there’s The Best of Dorien B

Afghanistan’s first psychedelic metal band will hopefully not be their last

Number 37
There have been a lot of adaptations, homages or films otherwise inspired by Rear Window; Number 37 might just be the best

The Seen and Unseen
Most stories are better without a sledgehammer to drive it’s point home, though subtlety doesn’t always help

66TH #SYDFILMFEST Program Launches with Genre, Horror & Competition Highlights
The truly weird, wacky and wonderful are usually left for those 'Freak Me Out' screenings packed by those most dedicated genre fans. Not this year

The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
It took decades to get this film to theatres; the finished product, as much as Terry Gilliam’s perseverance, is as strong a reminder as any of why we watch movies, and always will

You Were Never Really Here
All the pieces did well to come together for this one

The Kindergarten Teacher
Blocking. It doesn’t get talked about much, but it’s very important – and Sara Colangelo knows what she’s doing

Putting us on a pile of rugs and ripping them all away, Piercing is having no go of the expected

You don’t need a dozen state of the art cameras to produce a good film, you just need a good place to point one

Festevez / / Adelaide Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival, Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air Film Festival
Ghost Stories
Have you ever wanted to be scared by one of those old spook houses before they went out of fashion?

Festevez / / Adelaide Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival
Leave No Trace
It’s rare you see something so powerful emerge from that so inscrutable

Festevez / / Brisbane International Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival, Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air Film Festival
The Guilty
Packing more furrowed-brow acting into a film than you are ever likely to see, The Guilty is a reliably mood-driven Danish thriller

Festevez / / Caloundra Film Festival, Reviews, Sydney Film Festival, Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air Film Festival
Aga is first and foremost and in more than one respect a beautiful film

Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot
The presence of the ever-talented Joaquin Phoenix is enough to recommend a movie, even this one

“You cannot laugh and be afraid at the same time, and the devil cannot stand mockery.”